Santa ar Scoil Everyone was delighted to welcome Daidi na Nollag and his chauffeur on Wed 19th Dec. Carol Singing Our senior pupils visited local Nursing Homes where entertained residents with some festive carol singing. Chess Champions Once again the annual chess competition attracted many competitors and keen competition. Debating Our debating team defeated Scoil an Athair Tadhg Carraig na bhFear in the Concern Primary debating competition. They will debate against Carrigaline Educate Together in early March. JEP Rang 5 presented their business ideas to some local Dragons as part of the Junior Entrepreneur Project Gairdin na Scoile Pat the caretaker was very glad of some local help installing the raised beds in the school garden. This project is one of the initiatives we have undertaken as part of our Green School Bio diversity flag project. Grandparents Day Rang 3 celebrated Grandparents' day by inviting Grans and G...
Showing posts from February, 2019