
Showing posts from June, 2018
Irish Aid awards Rang 6 participated in the Irish Aid Schools Competition which aims to raise awareness about the Sustainable Development goals. Their project focused on plastic and they were thrilled to be shortlisted for the National Finals in Dublin Castle on June 20th.
The class of 2018 We welcomed a new class of Junior Infants for an afternoon of games and fun.
Road safety Cycling Once again this year Rang 5 participated in a series of safer cycling workshops. 
Green School    Biodiversity We enjoyed a visit from local beekeeper D an Galvin as part of our work towards achieving a Biodiversity Flag. 
Cor Fhéile Rang 1 did us proud when they participated in the Cor Fhéile in the City Hall in March.
6th class retreat Rang 6 enjoyed a retreat day in Scala in Blackrock as part of their preparation for Confirmation Gardening in Marymount The class also spent 4 mornings in May/June tending the  flower beds in Marymount. After much weeding and mulching the beds are once again ready to be enjoyed fror the  Summer. 
Local History Project Ms O Hara's class studied the history behind all of the local sites around Ballinora as part of a Local History and Heritage Project. They joined other schools to showcase their work in the Silversprings Hotel. 
Junior Entrepeneur Project There was huge excitement in the  RDS on June 18th  when Rang 5 5 won the  Financial wizards category for their book entitled 'For the  love of GAA' Click here to see the  awards ceremony.
Oíche Spóirt Glorious weather made for a fun filled sports evening for everyone.
Sciath na Scol Making history! Ballinora and Castlelyons contesting the first Sciath na Scol finals in the new Páirc Uí Chaoimh.
Easter Egg Raffle Once again Rang 6 organised a very successful easter Egg raffle. The proceeds were divided between the Karen Fenton Foundation and Marymount Hospice.
Engineering in a Box Rang 4 participated in a STEM project which was facilitated by some staff members from Poppulo. They had great fun designing various projects over a 6 week period  They were delighted to be invited to the Poppulo offices where they learned how to code. 
Chess Champions Comhghairdeas to our chess team  who participated in a recent inter schools chess competition.