Pupils and staff were delighted to support our colleague and teacher Davina Fenton in her fundraising for Ovarian cancer research and supporting cancer services in the CUH. Davina's sister Karen Fenton, tragically lost her life to ovarian cancer this year. Leaba i measc na Naomh aici. In her memory, Davina and her family recently set up the Karen Fenton Ovarian Cancer Fund, with the aim of raising funds to assist with research. Further information about the fund and about Karen, is available from www.ifundraise.ie/karenfenton or on facebook (karenfentonovariancancerfund). Karen was training for the Cobh Jailbreak Triathlon before her diagnosis and in her memory, Davina and her brothers, Martin and Mícheál, will participate on her behalf. in Cóbh on Saturday, July 1 st, from 10.30 onwards. Staff provided wonderful hampers of goodies and we raffled these on Thursday 29th June. Míle buiochas to our wonderful pupils who...