
Showing posts from March, 2016

Grand Marshals, St Patrick's day Parade, Cork

Well done to the 10 pupils from Rang 3-Rang  6 who were part of the grand marshall's troupe at the St Patrick's Day parade in Cork City today.  The theme of the Parade was remembering 1916 and the pupils were proud to walk along side  the seven signatories of the proclamation.  Gathering at the City Hall Agus ar aghaidh linn A job well done.  

Aifreann Lá le Pádraig

Aifreann Lá le Pádraig Rang 3 presented our annual Aifreann Lá le Pádrag where we celebrated our musical, cultural and faith traditions

Proclamation Day

Proclamation Day A range of activities were organised to celebrate the centenary of the 1916 , the highlight of which was raising the flag and reading the re imagined proclamations of our pupils.  Raising the Flag A Re-imagined Proclamation for 2016 We the children of the 21 st Century stand united in our dream for a better Ireland.  We proclaim that Ireland shall remain an Independent country.  We strive for a peaceful country and a world without war. We want to see the people of our country united in their pride for our culture, language and pastimes such as Irish dancing and GAA.  We believe these are a large part of our National Identity. The Ireland of the future will successfully tackle Health issues such as mental health and obesity.  These shall be treated with the correct amount of respect and care.  Facilities and initiatives will be available to all, irrespective of where they live, or their back...

Chess Competition

Chess Competition Well done to the 80 pupils who participated in our school Chess competition which has been on going at lunch time since January. The final on March 11th generated great excitement and suspense. 

Lego Learn-it Workshops

Lego Learn-it Workshops The Lego workshops generated much excitement, creativity and problem solving  

Junior Entrepreneur Project

Junior Entrepreneur Project Rang 6 held a showcase day on March 9th. Parents, friends and members of the  local community gathered to see the work done by Rang 6 in designing, producing and marketing the cards. 
Ceremony of Light Comhghairdeas le Rang 6 who recently presented a beautiful Ceremony of Light as part of their preparation for their Confirmation in May.
First Confession Comhghairdeas le Rang 2 who recently made their First Confession in St James Church